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Internationales Jugendturnier U14 Վերջին արդիացում08.09.2024 16:04:25, Creator/Last Upload: Swiss-Chess 326211
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | Angelovski, Emanuel | | SUI | 1850 | Zürich Seebach |
2 | | Liess, Alexander | | GER | 1665 | Schwabing München Nord |
3 | | Jose, Kevin | | GER | 1608 | Friedrichshafen |
4 | | Speerli, Maria | | SUI | 1588 | Zugerland |
5 | | Martynenko, Ihor | | GER | 1548 | Bayern München |
6 | | Bhingare, Joshua | | SUI | 1539 | DSSP |
7 | | Niederfriniger, Simeon | | ITA | 1531 | Lichtenberg |
8 | | Näf Schmid, Ianto | | SUI | 1519 | Toggenburg |
9 | | Atlas, Daniel | | AUT | 1518 | Bregenz |
10 | | Markstaler, Tobias | | AUT | 1517 | Hohenems |
11 | | Lins, Jakob | | AUT | 1470 | Hohenems |
12 | | Udech, Timon | | SUI | 1461 | Gonzen |
13 | | Anton, Theo | | SUI | 1455 | Gonzen |
14 | | Hendler, Maximilian | | GER | 1440 | Brackel |
15 | | Paliwal, Kashika | | GER | 1399 | Bayern München |
16 | | Mühleck, Leo | | GER | 1390 | Bayern München |
17 | | Domig, Christina | | AUT | 1371 | Hohenems |
18 | | Stahr, David | | GER | 1333 | Schwabing München Nord |
19 | | Heinrich, Dean | | SUI | 1255 | Zugerland |
20 | | Schmidt, Abel | | AUT | 1253 | Dornbirn |
21 | | Franc, Oliver | | AUT | 1207 | Wolfurt |
22 | | Speerli, Carmen | | SUI | 1176 | Zugerland |
23 | | Dokoupil, Marek | | CZE | 1143 | Lipky |
24 | | Schwab, Florentin | | GER | 1011 | Aschaffenburg |
25 | | Habal, Amira | | GER | 902 | Schwabing München Nord |
26 | | Benndorf, Finn-Lucas | | SUI | 0 | Buchs SG |
27 | | Domig, Felix | | AUT | 0 | Hohenems |
28 | | Hollenstein, Lean | | SUI | 0 | St. Gallen |
29 | | Höfel, Benjamin C | | AUT | 0 | |
30 | | Kopf, Timothy | | SUI | 0 | Triesen |
31 | | Setz, Evan | | SUI | 0 | Toggenburg |
32 | | Sprecher, Leona | | SUI | 0 | Buchs SG |
33 | | Stössel, Cyril | | SUI | 0 | Pfäffikon ZH |
34 | | Waibel, Julian | | AUT | 0 | |