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40 Torneig Obert Escacs Vila Cerdanyola (Grup A)

Last update 30.11.2024 20:48:56, Creator/Last Upload: Oriol Saguillo Gonzalez

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Round 1 on 2024/09/28 at 16:30

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.PGN
11MKNieto Farreny, Francesc21620 1 - 00 Armengol Valero, Miguel184416PGN
217Gil Gil, Antoni18440 0 - 10 Gonzalez Cuervo, Eloy20312PGN
33MKMacaya Ruiz, Alfons20270 1 - 00 Soto Balastegui, Victor183818PGN
419Guerrero Prieto, Arnau18240 1 - 00 CMFernandez-Diaz Mascort, Miquel19824PGN
55Martinez, Juan Manuel19780 1 - 00 Serrano Moron, Eloi181420PGN
622Ferrer Cadafalch, Bernat17470 0 - 10 Perez Cabas, Jose19586PGN
77Barba Rios, Enric19540 1 - 00 Lazaro Hervas, Cristian173023PGN
824Monell Lopez, Eduard17260 1 - 00 Ruiz Bravo, Alfonso19518PGN
99MKValencia Jimenez, Jose19340 1 - 00 Xu, Jin Hao172325PGN
1026Celorrio Capelleras, Gabriel16850 1 - 00 Font Piera, Gabriel189811PGN
1112Bejar Dyagilev, Nikolay18830 1 - 00 Tello Alvarez, Erik166028
1229Martinez Ayala, Jan16440 0 - 10 Lanau Garcia, Francesc187513
1314AFMPereira, Ephrem Christa18720 1 - 00 Mateo Escudero, Hugo164230
1431Lopera Larrea, Izan16340 0 - 10 Parayre Soguero, Jordi187115
1532Sanchez Carrillo, Asier15740 1 bye 
1610Lozano Diaz, Antoni19170 0 not paired 
1721Jane Lardies, Albert17510 0 not paired 
1827Cortes Escale, Ruben16840 0 not paired