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♘♘♘ 4th Saturday Evening Blitz at Red Knight Chess Cafe ♘♘♘

Last update 07.09.2024 16:32:02, Creator/Last Upload: Riste Menkinoski

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Starting rank

1Htoo, Aung Bo13001078MYA2114
2Yulo, Adrian Othniel5222141PHI2000
3Yarkin, Veniamin54127130RUS1657
4Liukasemsarn, Chin6217680THA1551
5Yarkin, Savely522000593RUS1482
6Curry, GrahamTHA0
7Dumoulin, PepeTHA0
8Gorbachev, EgorRUS0
9Guiraud, MathieuFRA0
10Jx, DayMYA0
11Luanpijpong, ChaseTHA0
12Mittal, AkshatTHA0
13Striebig, NicolasFRA0
14Trefilov, IgorRUS0
15Vorapitayahirun, MinkTHA0
16Yarkin, Ivan522000607RUS0