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40 Torneig Obert Escacs Vila Cerdanyola (Grup B)

Last update 30.11.2024 20:20:52, Creator/Last Upload: Oriol Saguillo Gonzalez

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Garcia Corpas NicolasESP 22w1 18b1 9w1 5b0 11w0 13b1 16w½ -04,5104245,5232
2Fernandez Escabia VictorESP 23b1 19w1 8b1 36w1 5b1 16w1 22b1 14w1818291,5245,5
3Forment Costa JacintoESP 24w1 20b½ 36w0 -0 25b0 32b1 29w½ 30b03322211,5201,5
4Rodriguez Monago Juan AntonioESP -0 6w1 23b0 32w½ 34b1 25w0 24b½ 21w14213218,5209,5
5Fernandez Oliva PauESP 25b1 21w1 16b1 1w1 2w0 11b1 36b0 28w1636283,5237
6Garcia Mielgo DanielESP 26w½ 4b0 40w1 24b1 13w½ 9b1 18b½ 22w15,544268,5223,5
7Iglesias Pau NilESP 28b0 30w1 -0 33w1 -0 26b½ 35w0 32b½3332190,5178,5
8Forment Egido MiguelESP 29w1 34b1 2w0 -0 42b1 23w0 28b0 24w14174228,5215,5
9Font Sharapa RuslanESP 30b1 28w1 1b0 13b1 22w0 6w0 20b1 18w+565263,5221,5
10Lopera Campillos LuisESP 31w1 36b0 26w1 22b0 -0 34w1 -0 35b½3,5243210,5196
11Naveros Hernandez GerardESP 33b0 32w1 25b1 21w1 1b1 5w0 23b0 26w½4,594269,5227,5
12Guzman Rodriguez GrevyESP 34w0 29b1 24w½ 26b0 35w1 14b0 27w+ -03,5233215,5201,5
13Collazo Felez FedericaESP 35b½ 33w1 20b1 9w0 6b½ 1w0 21b1 -04203229213,5
14Llorens Corominas MarcESP -0 31b1 28w½ 35b1 -0 12w1 25b+ 2b04,5134204189,5
15Febrero Perez LluisESP 36w0 -0 37b- 40b1 31w1 30b1 26w- -03283201188
16Guzman Lopez LeonardoESP 38b1 39w1 5w0 34b1 26w1 2b0 1b½ -04,5114244225,5
17Puignero Garcia AntonESP 39w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0043030,528
18Murgia Villamizar NicolaESP 40b1 1w0 33b1 23w1 36b½ 22b½ 6w½ 9b-4,5143287,5238,5
19Guzman Lopez CristianESP 41w1 2b0 34w0 37b0 -0 33w1 42b1 -03293195,5184,5
20Anguita Guerrero MaxESP 42b1 3w½ 13w0 28b0 39w½ 37b1 9w0 -03312226,5211,5
21Jimenez Bazhin AlexanderESP 43w1 5b0 42w+ 11b0 28w0 39b1 13w0 4b03253254,5214
22Prat Sole MaxESP 1b0 37w1 39b1 10w1 9b1 18w½ 2w0 6b04,574277,5228
23Peris Ortuno ArnauESP 2w0 41b1 4w1 18b0 37w1 8b1 11w1 36b-555283234
24Sanchez Amaya SilviaESP 3b0 38w1 12b½ 6w0 27b0 40w1 4w½ 8b03302254213,5
25Hashemi Seyed KiaESP 5w0 43b1 11w0 39b½ 3w1 4b1 14w- 29w03,5223255,5213,5
26Fernandez Escabia EloiESP 6b½ 35w1 10b0 12w1 16b0 7w½ 15b+ 11b½4,5153257213
27Clemente Valiente IkerESP -0 40w½ 35b- 41b1 24w1 -0 12b- 34w02,5362190,5180
28Costache StefanESP 7w1 9b0 14b½ 20w1 21b1 36w0 8w1 5b04,584277231,5
29Nunez Fernandez DanielESP 8b0 12w0 -0 43b1 38w1 42w1 3b½ 25b14,5124216203,5
30Araiz Martin NilESP 9w0 7b0 41w1 -0 33b1 15w0 37b1 3w14184227,5212,5
31Morera Domenech GuiuESP 10b0 14w0 38b1 42w0 15b0 -0 -1 -02382155147
32Aguilar Gomez JordiESP -0 11b0 43w1 4b½ -0 3w0 40b1 7w½3342187,5176,5
33Anguita Rovira SergioESP 11w1 13b0 18w0 7b0 30w0 19b0 41b0 -01411215,5205
34Morera Roca OriolESP 12b1 8w0 19b1 16w0 4w0 10b0 39w1 27b14164256213,5
35Ojeda Martinez RafaelESP 13w½ 26b0 27w+ 14w0 12b0 41w1 7b1 10w½4193252,5210,5
36Puerta Fernandez NoelESP 15b1 10w1 3b1 2b0 18w½ 28b1 5w1 23w+6,526284,5236,5
37LarraƱaga Curiel EricCAT -0 22b0 15w+ 19w1 23b0 20w0 30w0 39b13263220,5208
38Gonzalez Marin DanielESP 16w0 24b0 31w0 -1 29b0 -0 43b1 -02392154145,5
39Toualla Dahaoui SaberESP 17b+ 16b0 22w0 25w½ 20b½ 21w0 34b0 37w02401254217
40Rios Del Barrio BrunoESP 18w0 27b½ 6b0 15w0 43w1 24b0 32w0 -12,5352211195
41Garcia Corpas OliverESP 19b0 23w0 30b0 27w0 -1 35b0 33w1 -02372189178
42Salva Andres OriolESP 20w0 -1 21b- 31b1 8w0 29b0 19w0 43b13273212,5197
43Perpinan Conejo NicolasESP 21b0 25w0 32b0 29w0 40b0 -1 38w0 42w01421202194,5

Tie Break1: Number of wins including forfeits and byes (WIN)
Tie Break2: Sum Buchholz-Tie Break variable
Tie Break3: Sum Buchholz-Tie Break variable