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40 Torneig Obert Escacs Vila Cerdanyola (Grup B)

Last update 30.11.2024 20:20:52, Creator/Last Upload: Oriol Saguillo Gonzalez

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Round 2 on 2024/10/05 at 16:30

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
118Murgia Villamizar, Nicola15411 0 - 11 Garcia Corpas, Nicolas17531
22Fernandez Escabia, Victor17361 1 - 01 Guzman Lopez, Cristian153619
320Anguita Guerrero, Max15331 ½ - ½1 Forment Costa, Jacinto17213
45Fernandez Oliva, Pau16451 1 - 01 Jimenez Bazhin, Alexander152821
534Morera Roca, Oriol17001 0 - 11 Forment Egido, Miguel16308
69Font Sharapa, Ruslan16261 1 - 01 Costache, Stefan147228
736Puerta Fernandez, Noel16841 1 - 01 Lopera Campillos, Luis161610
816Guzman Lopez, Leonardo15541 1 - 01 Toualla Dahaoui, Saber143539
913Collazo Felez, Federica1577½ 1 - 01 Anguita Rovira, Sergio170033
1026Fernandez Escabia, Eloi1490½ 1 - 0½ Ojeda Martinez, Rafael170035
114Rodriguez Monago, Juan Antonio16470 1 - 0½ Garcia Mielgo, Daniel16436
127Iglesias Pau, Nil16310 1 - 00 Araiz Martin, Nil144630
1311Naveros Hernandez, Gerard15930 1 - 00 Aguilar Gomez, Jordi170032
1429Nunez Fernandez, Daniel14690 0 - 10 Guzman Rodriguez, Grevy158912
1531Morera Domenech, Guiu14050 0 - 10 Llorens Corominas, Marc156414
1622Prat Sole, Max15270 1 - 00 LarraƱaga Curiel, Eric157637
1741Garcia Corpas, Oliver13310 0 - 10 Peris Ortuno, Arnau152623
1824Sanchez Amaya, Silvia15230 1 - 00 Gonzalez Marin, Daniel148238
1943Perpinan Conejo, Nicolas12410 0 - 10 Hashemi, Seyed Kia149125
2027Clemente Valiente, Iker14880 ½ - ½0 Rios Del Barrio, Bruno133740
2142Salva Andres, Oriol12790 1 bye 
2215Febrero Perez, Lluis15610 0 not paired 
2317Puignero Garcia, Anton15460 0 not paired