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2024 King's Gambit 2nd Standard Tournament 한글: 2024 KT&G 상상유니브 킹즈갬빗 : 왕의 귀환 시즌 2 FIDE 스탠다드 체스 대회

Posledná aktualizácia 08.09.2024 10:51:47, Creator/Last Upload: Korea Chess Federation

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Štartová listina

1Sung, Jaehyun2656426CAN1799
2Park, Kun13209833KOR1746
3Kim, Minjae13212397KOR1713
4Kim, Doyun13200798KOR1678
5Jeon, Seongu13220683KOR1676
6Kim, Kwansoo13219529KOR1646
7Dulguun, Munkhjargal4906446MGL1643
8Choi, Jeonghyun13218816KOR1642
9Lee, Donghyun C13220632KOR1640
10Song, Jihu13219057KOR1583
11ACMGim, Hajin13217267KOR1572
12Kim, Echae13215280KOR1569
13Chung, Jaeheon13221981KOR1560
14Lee, Chanhee13218441KOR1559
15Jeon, Jongin13221914KOR1551
16Kim, Junesun31001661GUM1523
17Bae, Hyoungbeen13219081KOR1511
18Seo, Yerin13226258KOR1499
19Lee, Seungwoo13219111KOR1490
20Kim, Keonwoo13217895KOR1469
21Park, Yerim13203835KOR1443
22Baek, Juwhan13222520KOR0
23Choi, Daniel13228935KOR0
24Choi, Jongyun13228641KOR0
25Hong, Juhan13228536KOR0
26Hwang, Taewon13216333KOR0
27Jeong, Sangwon13222686KOR0
28Jeong, Seonu13228277KOR0
29Kang, Juhyeon13224603KOR0
30Kang, Minseok13222708KOR0
31Kang, Seungwoo13200016KOR0
32Kim, Dohyun D13222821KOR0
33Kim, Jeonghun13223054KOR0
34Kim, Moojin13228358KOR0
35Kim, Seojun13222449KOR0
36Lee, Dohun13228498KOR0
37Lee, Doil13219103KOR0
38Lee, Hyeonseung13228692KOR0
39Lee, Jaeun13211463KOR0
40Lee, Jinyoung13228609KOR0
41Lee, Junhui13228510KOR0
42Lee, Rogyeom13213270KOR0
43Lee, Sangin13227440KOR0
44Nam, Jumyung13221965KOR0
45Noh, Sunwoo13228048KOR0
46Park, Jaeik B13228218KOR0
47Ryu, Soyeon13228706KOR0
48Son, Donghwa13228480KOR0
49Yeon, Jisung13228528KOR0