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Top Scot September Open

Posledná aktualizácia 07.09.2024 18:43:37, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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Štartová listina

1Munshi, AryanSCO1888Phones
2Patton, ZacharySCO1672Paisley
3Semenov, IgorSCO1647Hamilton
4Mitraka, ChrysaSCO1631Lenzie
5Mittal, AdvikSCO1465Lenzie
6Rath, SrivinasSCO1443Corstorphine
7Balaji, LochanSCO1421Lenzie
8Prabhu, AadithSCO1358Edinburgh C A
9Uegaki, HaruoSCO1226Edinburgh Res
10Sitkei, JacintSCO1181Phones
11McKenzie, KyriakosSCO1084Edinburgh West
12Madhu, ShriyaSCO1078Edinburgh West
13Graham, SashaSCO1037Galashiels
14Warcup, RossSCO1028Stirling
15Sheng, DavidSCO1027Edinburgh C A
16Shopynskyi, MykolaSCO988Ardrossan
17Nathan, YadhevSCO986North Juniors
18Shopynskyi, PetroSCO953Ardrossan
19Shopynskyi, VladyslavSCO931Ardrossan
20Nathan, PrithviSCO901Edinbugrh West
21Munshi, AnikaSCO844Phones
22Govil, ArnavSCO0Edinburgh Res
23Shaik, AsmaSCO0Livingston