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Top Scot September U-800

Վերջին արդիացում07.09.2024 18:09:31, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Huda, SamiulSCO688Glasgow Res
2Lee, OliverSCO666Lenzie
3Allen Marin, RafaelSCO544Edinburgh CA
4Prakash, DhairyaSCO527Edinburgh CA
5Gaikwad, ReinaSCO521Lenzie
6Sharma Nath, ShauryaSCO490Lenzie
7Liu, VictorSCO472Stirling
8Prabhu, AineshSCO462Lenzie
9Gong, RaySCO440Lenzie
10Ramprasad, AaradhyaSCO402Edinburgh Res
11Liu, ElsaSCO318Stirling
12Gaikwad, NetraSCO307Lenzie
13Desai, AdityaSCO290North Juniors
14Seran, KavanSCO290Lenzie
15Anders, PavelSCO0Glasgow res
16Boddapaty, AmulyaSCO0Lenzie
17Chintala, NikethSCO0Lenzie
18Connolly, RhysSCO0Glasgow res
19Dewangan, GarvSCO0Lenzie
20Gorash, LidiaSCO0Lenzie
21Karthik Kumar, AryaSCO0Lenzie
22Pardhi, RudraSCO0Stirling
23Patton, EvinSCO0
24Rajakanna, JuniorSCO0Lenzie
25Rajesh, MathavSCO0Lenzie
26Roy, AdityaSCO0Edinburgh res
27Saint Marc, NithilanSCO0Bishopbriggs
28Singh, AayanshSCO0Lenzie
29Torrance, LeightonSCO0Ayrshire res
30Wojciechowski, AdamSCO0