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Vereinsmeisterschaft 2024- SV Worms 1878 e.V

Last update 04.12.2024 19:58:27, Creator/Last Upload: Daniel Hendrich

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Starting rank list

1Heider, Martin24668389GER2364SV Worms 1878
2FMOllenberger, Roland24608440GER2228SV Worms 1878
3Schluchter, Steffen4637410GER2148SV Worms 1878
4Boos, Patrick4663683GER2078SV Worms 1878
5Martin, Mike24608386GER2065SV Worms 1878
6Nettsträter, Valentin12925985GER1949SV Worms 1878
7Probst, Ilias16238974GER1865SV Worms 1878
8Köhler, Gernot Dr.12925810GER1821SV Worms 1878
9Hendrich, Daniel1270197GER1710SV Worms 1878
10Holschuh, Elias16244320GER1647SV Worms 1878
11Fiedler, Joachim?1526SV Worms 1878
12Kern, Matthias34679626GER1591SV Worms 1878
13Nagel, Jan12926027GER1498SV Worms 1878
14Großkopf, Elias34653422GER1519SV Worms 1878
15Kani, Christoph?1482SV Worms 1878
16Taskan, Talha34679642GER1380SV Worms 1878
17Gallmeister, Max34658416GER1216SV Worms 1878
18Braner, Hagen34697144GER1156SV Worms 1878
19Kern, Clarissa34679634GER972SV Worms 1878
20Braner, MarcGER779SV Worms 1878
21Dlugosch, JakobGER0SV Worms 1878
22Hammes, Martin34679847GER1370SV Worms 1878