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The City of Dublin 2024 Challenger

Posledná aktualizácia 08.09.2024 20:11:12, Creator/Last Upload: IvanBaburin

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Štartová listina

1Doyle, John2513811IRL1632
2Latorre, Leo1393
3Cunningham, Stephen2504596IRL1365
4Motte, Laurene2528460IRL1364
5Leonard, Harrison2529378IRL1362
6Brennan, Anais Weil1360
7Dobbyn, Anna1360
8Xu, Jialan1360
9Gao, Tina1342
10Zhang, Zixiao2526077IRL1330
11Ziv, Keren2518627IRL1318
12Brennan, Thomas1312
13Putar, Lorena2521520IRL1291
14Kissane, Robyn1287
15Faustino Lawlor, Levi2518279IRL1260
16Bermingham, Erica2529297IRL1199
17O'Connor, HughIRL836
18Bowman, Charlie2529734IRL0
19Cahill, James A0
20Chuluunbaatar, Zaanaa0
21Watson, Lee0
22Faustino Lawlor, EliasIRL0