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2024 Botho University Individual Chess Championship-Primary Section

Senast uppdaterad08.09.2024 16:03:33, Creator/Last Upload: Botswana Chess-Federation

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1Baddam, Manvika ReddyBOT0Lethabile Primary
2Botlhole, Bigboy KagoBOT0Ace Academy
3Botlhole, Sephane BokaoBOT0Ace Academy
4Boy, LesireBOT0St Josephs primary
5Charamba, Unotidashe TheophilusBOT0GIS
6Chimwe, KaylorBOT0T.L.C
7Das, AbielBOT0Newton
8Fidzani, Ame Atang11329173BOT0
9Johane, Ellison TetloBOT0
10John, KeithBOT0
11Jomane, KhotsoBOT0St Josephs Primary
12Kaboyaone, Kael Vanya11330368BOT0
13Kaboyaone, Karl Amour11330350BOT0
14Keekee, ThutoBOT0St Josephs Primary
15Keoletile, Ngwao11329602BOT0Westwood
16Legae, RethabileBOT0St Josephs Primary
17Liu, Pei ShengBOT0Legae Primary
18Mabalane, ZoeBOT0St Josephs Primary
19Makakatlelo, Omogolo PhenyoBOT0
20Makaza, EdsonBOT0St Josephs Primary
21Makgabane, KaelaBOT0T.L.C
22Maruatona, Onthatile11327359BOT0
23Marumo, ThutoBOT0St Josephs Primary
24Matenge, AneleBOT0
25Matenge, M ZuriBOT0
26Mensah, OwurakuBOT0St Josephs Primary
27Meshack, LesireBOT0St Joseph Primary
28Mhiko, TshwaneloBOT0St Josephs Primary
29Modutlwa, Gaesi11323787BOT0
30Mokereitane, SeshaBOT0St Josephs Primary
31Molosiwa, AneleBOT0St Josephs Primary
32Monamodi, AbelBOT0St Josephs Primary
33Mongadi, PhilipBOT0Lephephe
34Mongadi, TumisoBOT0Lephephe
35Monthe, ElishaBOT0Dawn bell
36Mosenye, KalaBOT0St Josephs Primary
37Mothusi, VijayBOT0St Josephs Primary
38Motlhale, KhumoBOT0St Josephs Primary
39Motswasele, Abang11327324BOT0
40Motswasele, Tshenolo11326484BOT0
41Mphala, GapeBOT0St Josephs Primary
42Mphala, TlotsoBOT0St Josephs Primary
43Mpofu, HopeBOT0
44Murugan, Arul YuganBOT0Bhust Primary
45Nchini, SharonBOT0
46Nkau, LeatileBOT0St Josephs Primary
47Nkuba, Ebenezer MwesigwaBOT0
48Nkuba, Jireh MirembeBOT0
49Otimile, Melisa11324678BOT0Dow Academy
50Pitso, RethabileBOT0
51Ram, SarangBOT0Legae Primary
52Ramohago, LoetoBOT0
53Ruzayi, LegakwaBOT0Prestine Palms
54Sandeep, SanjayBOT0Bhust Primary
55Subramanian, Kaarthick11329980BOT0
56Suresh, Babu Goutham11327375BOT0
57Tamuthe, Batani YanaBOT0Mmopane Primary
58Tlale, AngelaBOT0St Josephs Primary
59Zhou, Han XuanBOT0Legae Primary