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For More Details : 38808090 Rated Tournament Start : 3 PM End : 7 PMThe Second Preparatory School Chess Games - Girls Վերջին արդիացում11.10.2024 15:20:46, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Champions Academy
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | սեռ |
1 | | | Dashti, Sarah | 11204524 | BRN | 1509 | w |
2 | | | Tanya, Singh | 33398712 | IND | 1497 | w |
3 | | | Shayna, Nagvekar | 25926314 | IND | 1489 | w |
4 | | | Norah, Anna Punnoose | 33481318 | IND | 1452 | w |
5 | | | Al Arayedh, Daniyah | 11207930 | BRN | 0 | w |
6 | | | Ali, Mariam Hasan Yusuf | 11209216 | BRN | 0 | w |
7 | | | Emilia, Anoob | 48731501 | IND | 0 | w |
8 | | | Hujairi, Lilian | 11207868 | BRN | 0 | w |
9 | | | Mahmood, Fatima | 11209305 | BRN | 0 | w |
10 | | | Uma, Eswari Meenakshinathan | 429012759 | IND | 0 | w |