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Kejohanan Sukan Indoor Games Sempena Karnival Kesihatan Daerah Muar 2024 (WC)

Last update 07.09.2024 07:23:12, Creator/Last Upload: Genius Chess Learning Center

Starting rank list of players

1Arumugam, Mega VaniMAS0Kuning
2Ibrahim, NorizanMAS0Pink
3Jamian, NorizanMAS0Pink
4Japrin, AdilahMAS0Merah
5Lau, RuiyingMAS0Hijau
6Liew, ShireneMAS0Oren
7Nazar, Siti NorazahMAS0Ungu
8Noor Afendi, MunirahMAS0Kuning
9Tahir, Nur AthirahMAS0Putih
10Zakaria, Fatimah AmirahMAS0Biru