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Strong Chess sub 1800 version 9

Darrera actualització29.11.2024 02:09:24, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Strong Chess

Llista del rànquing inicial

5Batista Penalo, Darlyn Alexander6425755DOM1779
8Colon Marcelo, Angel Yariel6425011DOM1771
4Regalado Nicasio, Jean Franco6431470DOM1771
3Mendez Rivas, Criseidis6433995DOM1766
9Peguero Pena, Moises6425429DOM1763
7Morel Reyes, Fraimy Alexander6437729DOM1749
1Gonzalez Severino, Erick Ignell6426158DOM1723
10Paula Valerio, Aarony Miguel6427740DOM1705
6Giraldo Cortes, Cristobal6426522DOM1701
2Montero, Michael Alexander6421075DOM1693