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Jogos Internos EETEPA Santarém 2024 - Aberto de Xadrez

Senast uppdaterad05.09.2024 16:06:16, Creator/Last Upload:

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1, AmandaBRATST 22
2, AnaBRATI/TMA 22
3Rose, da SilvaBRATA 24
4Polyane, FroesBRATST 23
5Emily, GiovannaBRATL 23
6, LucasBRATL 23
7Letícia, MatosBRATI.01/24
8Vitor Hugo, NogueiraBRATA 24
9Lorran, OliveiraBRATST 23
10João, VictorBRATI.01/24
11Samantha, VidalBRATL 22
12, WevertonBRATI/TMA 22