Campionat Territorial de Barcelona 2024 Grup B Sud Rondas 1-3 (388458)

Последно обновяване22.10.2024 23:16:25, Creator/Last Upload: Jaume Gallart Zafra

Турнирна селекцияGrup A, Barcelonès, Nord, Sud
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Движение по кръгове

No.Name1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.RdТ.Rk. ТБ1  ТБ2  ТБ3 
1Marina De La Torre Ivan 16w1 8b1 9w1 15b31045,5
2AIMGallego Montes Antoni 17b1 7w1 10b1 6w32044,5
3Olive Oller Guim 18w1 9b0 14w1 16b2903,54,5
4Toribio Ruiz Ismael 19b1 10w0 5b1 13w21003,54,5
5Mestres Gonzalez David 20w1 14b½ 4w0 18b1,51403,54
6Sanchez Artigas Antoni 21b1 13w1 15w0 2b2704,55,5
7Moyano Barrero Antoni 22w1 2b0 18w1 9b25056
8Romero Forero Mario -1 1w0 21b1 10w28045
9Burnette Ingles Lucas 23b1 3w1 1b0 7w26055,5
10Bonsoms Canet Frederic 24w1 4b1 2w0 8b24056
11Clanchet Olle Josep 25b½ 15w- 17w+ -01,51602,53
12Canizares Hidalgo Antonio -0 25w1 22b0 24b119044,5
13Varela Cuadrado Cesar 26w1 6b0 24w1 4b213034
14Salazar Navas Josep 27b1 5w½ 3b0 21w1,51503,54
15Duro Salgado Francisco 28w1 11b+ 6b1 1w3303,54
16Vidal Hernandez Didac 1b0 23w1 28b1 3w21103,54
17Serra Montesino Arturo 2w0 22b0 11b- -0026056
18Duro Lopez Hugo 3b0 27w1 7b0 5w120044,5
19Girona Flores Ladislau 4w0 24b0 25b1 28w123033,5
20Ramon Arrufat Albert 5b0 -0 26w0 -0027034
21Moreno Munoz Juan Antonio 6w0 26b1 8w0 14b12203,54,5
22Membrives Cano Diego 7b0 17w1 12w1 -021203,54
23Litash Platon 9w0 16b0 -1 26b121044
24Romero Tiago Manuel 10b0 19w1 13b0 12w118045
25Martinez Martinez Ramon 11w½ 12b0 19w0 27b0,525034
26Fernandez Alguacil Iker 13b0 21w0 20b1 23w124033,5
27Jones Rigol Sergi 14w0 18b0 -0 25w02802,53,5
28Quispilaya Gavilan Valeria Isabel 15b0 -1 16w0 19b11704,55

Тай-брек1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Тай-брек2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Тай-брек3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)