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Campionat Territorial de Barcelona 2024 Grup B Nord Rondas 4 (388454)

Last update 01.12.2024 14:39:34, Creator/Last Upload: Jaume Gallart Zafra

not paired

35Abascal Vicente, Ignaciobye
28Ambros Pastor, Alberto Alejandro*
23Aparicio Escudero, Hector F.*
22Barrera Baucells, Grau**
41Bautista Villaecija, Oscar*bye
1WCMDe Lomas Busquets, Alba**
19De Lomas Busquets, Alex*
34Egea Guerrero, Arnau*
9Escriba Castelltort, Josep Ma.*
27Garcia Gomez, Luis*
31Gomez Jorge, Felix*
25Gracia Vila, Frederic*
29Marquina Sierra, David**
2Minguell Soler, Joan*
4Munoz De La Orden, David****
42Navarro Bonet, Martinbye
36Perez Cardus, Pau*
40Pineda Villalba, Antoniobye
37Rincon Manzano, Juan**
5Ruiz Molina, Gabriel*
32Salas Viralta, Joan Carles****
15Sanchez Murcia, Daniel**
43Sevillano Lopez, Jose Miguelbye**
14Soldado Pastor, Lucas*
39Tarrago Tomas, Ferranbye
11Ten Gomez, Sergi**
21Toquero Gracia, Laura***