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Coastal Schools Teams Chess Championships

Darrera actualització07.09.2024 15:10:06, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Namibia Chess-Federation

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Classificació final després de 7 rondes

OrdreNúm. Ini.EquipGroupPartides  +   =   -  Des1  Des2  Des3 
113Kuisebmund Secondary SchoolJUNIOR76101322,50
224Pro-Ed Akademie ACADET75201221,50
325Pro-Ed Akademie BCADET75111116,50
42Duneside High SchoolJUNIOR75021020,50
523Private School SwakopmundJUNIOR750210200
629Walvis Bay Private School AJUNIOR7412918,50
712Flamingo High School BJUNIOR73319181
81Duinesig High SchoolJUNIOR74129181
914Laerskool Walvis Bay ACADET7331916,50
1011Flamingo High School AJUNIOR74038180
1116Laerskool Walvis Bay CCADET74038140
129Festus !Gonteb Primary School BCADET7313714,50
1330Walvis Bay Private School BCADET72327140
143Eros Primary School ACADET73137140
1528Te Awa MontesorriCADET7313713,50
1610Festus !Gonteb Primary School CCADET73137110
1718Laerskool Walvis Bay ECADET7304613,50
1819One Tree Montesorri ACADET72236130
1920One Tree Montesorri BCADET7223612,50
207Eros Primary School ECADET7223612,50
218Festus !Gonteb Primary School ACADET73046120
224Eros Primary School BCADET7304610,50
2315Laerskool Walvis Bay BCADET72145110
2422One Tree Montesorri DCADET72145100
2521One Tree Montesorri CCADET7214590
266Eros Primary School DCADET72054100
2727Pro-Ed Akademie DCADET720549,50
285Eros Primary School CCADET712447,50
2926Pro-Ed Akademie CCADET71153100
3017Laerskool Walvis Bay DCADET7016160

Desempat1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Desempat2: points (game-points)
Desempat3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints