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September Mini Chess Challenge

Seinast dagført07.09.2024 09:51:40, Creator/Last Upload: Seychelles Chess-Federation

Search for player Leita


1Krishna Saravanan, ShaiSEY1500
2Pandu Rangan, RaneshSEY1300
3Kate, TimothySEY1250
4Mwela, MwilaSEY1250
5Kumar, RajSEY1150
6Revera, OliviaSEY1150
7Revera, DreydianSEY1100
8Corgat, NoahSEY1000
9Goswami, YaamiSEY1000
10Laporte, MaiahSEY1000
11Mouhoussoune, AdamSEY1000
12Mouhoussoune, IsaacSEY1000
13Mudaliar, KugasriSEY1000
14Mudaliar, SathyaSEY1000
15Pillay, SajanSEY1000
16Pillay, ShanjaySEY1000
17Sopha, OliverSEY1000
18Venkadesh, IshanSEY1000
19Camille, RudolphSEY950
20Athanase, AzarelSEY900
21Barra, AnaSEY900
22Shaazim, EmreSEY900
23Ramprasath, KrithikSEY800
24Vinoth Kumar, MalasriSEY800
25Nanty, AverySEY700
26Nancy, MedgeSEY1000