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ukáž detaily turnaja
CAMPEONATO URUGUAYO SENIOR 2024 Cat +65 Posledná aktualizácia 08.09.2024 22:17:51, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (2)
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | EloF | EloN | Klub |
1 | FM | Bauza, Alejandro | 3000060 | URU | 2097 | 2274 | Trebejos |
2 | NM | Saralegui, Mario | 3000419 | URU | 2014 | 2082 | Trebejos |
3 | NM | Escofet, Jaime | 3000176 | URU | 1954 | 1986 | Solis De Pando |
4 | | Estevez, Ricardo | 3005992 | URU | 1947 | 1951 | Banco Republica |
5 | | Davila Texeira, Mario | 3000940 | URU | 1871 | 1844 | Enroque Largo |
6 | | Barandiaran, Gabriel | 3004694 | URU | 1851 | 1999 | Trebejos |
7 | | Delbono, Ruben | 3000737 | URU | 1685 | 1496 | Solis De Pando |
8 | | Bossi, Hugo | 3011224 | URU | 1577 | 1404 | Solis De Pando |
9 | | Mazzeo, Jose | 3017036 | URU | 1556 | 1432 | Progreso |