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#XADREZNOBURGUES XLI - Torneio Aberto Xadrez LBX In Memorian ¨GG¨ Geraldo Nogueira

Last update 27.10.2024 14:35:51, Creator/Last Upload: Sebastiao

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Starting rank

1MACEDO, Pedro Henrique Fernandes533456BRA2282
2RODRIGUES, Julliano De Araujo530067BRA2180
3DA SILVA, Stenio Vargas530510BRA2140
4SOARES, Estevao Luiz530050BRA2128
5SEABRA, Ricardo Manhaes601869BRA2078
6GUEDES, Luis Augusto Maio530034BRA1930
7DA CUNHA PASSOS, Jailson613001BRA1823
8DE ANDRADE, William Monteiro534434BRA1795
9FERREIRA, Tiago Souza603519BRA1763
10Rabelo, Heitor FernandesBRA1800