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FIDE 100 TABASCO CERRADO SUB016Վերջին արդիացում08.09.2024 21:25:58, Creator/Last Upload: Miguel Octavio JimĂ©nez Chan
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | | Ramirez, Agustin Moises | 5171113 | MEX | 1589 | Reyes del Tablero |
2 | | | Cardenas Chable, Joshua | 29627575 | MEX | 1582 | Reyes de Tablero |
3 | | | Gutierrez Velazquez, Ana Paula | | MEX | 1530 | Cetab |
4 | | | Arenas Medina, Arled Michelle | | MEX | 0 | Cetab |
5 | | | Arias Cruz, Christian Emmanuel | | MEX | 0 | Peon De Rey |
6 | | | Davila Gamas, Jorge Humberto | | MEX | 0 | Cetab |
7 | | | Garcia Ramirez, Andy | | MEX | 0 | Tabasco |
8 | | | Garcia Tallaeche, Iker | | MEX | 0 | Cetab |
9 | | | Martinez Rios, Angel Mario | | MEX | 0 | |
10 | | | Monterrosas Garcia, Jose Miguel | | MEX | 0 | Cetab |
11 | | | Perez Hernandez, Luis Angel | | MEX | 0 | Caballo Negro |
12 | | | Ramirez Perez, Yisrael | | MEX | 0 | Cetab |
13 | | | Sastre Dominguez, Emilio Alejandro | | MEX | 0 | Tabasco |
14 | | | Torres Narvaez, Jesus Gustavo | | MEX | 0 | Caballo Negro |
15 | | | Torres Solis, Ever | | MEX | 0 | Cetab |