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Haustmót TR 2024 - B flokkur

Darrera actualització22.09.2024 19:45:16, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Icelandic Chess Federation

Llista del rànquing inicial

4Gudni Petursson2301725ISL2000
5Mikael Bjarki Heidarsson2317532ISL1948
1Sverrir Sigurdsson2302195ISL1938
3Kristjan Orn Eliasson2301784ISL1919
7Josef Omarsson2316102ISL1889
6Kristinn J Sigurthorsson2311585ISL1874
10Markus Orri Johannsson2318539ISL1845
8Roberto Eduardo Osorio Ferrer3964612VEN1835
9Sigurdur Pall Gudnyjarson2321637ISL1814
2Thorsteinn Jakob F Thorsteinsson2317940ISL1803