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Haustmót TR 2024 - A flokkur

Seinast dagført22.09.2024 20:46:35, Creator/Last Upload: Icelandic Chess Federation

Byrjanarlisti eftir Elo

7FMSigurbjorn Bjornsson2300974ISL2306
10CMBardur Orn Birkisson2310597ISL2244
9FMSimon Thorhallsson2310090ISL2181
1Bjorn Holm Birkisson2310600ISL2165
5Torfi Leosson2300966ISL2133
4Mikael Johann Karlsson2305194ISL2117
2Benedikt Thorisson2314576ISL2057
3Kjartan Maack2301806ISL2046
6Adam Omarsson2311453ISL2001
8Johann Ragnarsson2301040ISL1898