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Haustmót TR 2024 - A flokkur

Last update 22.09.2024 20:46:35, Creator/Last Upload: Icelandic Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

7FMSigurbjorn Bjornsson2300974ISL2306
10CMBardur Orn Birkisson2310597ISL2244
9FMSimon Thorhallsson2310090ISL2181
1Bjorn Holm Birkisson2310600ISL2165
5Torfi Leosson2300966ISL2133
4Mikael Johann Karlsson2305194ISL2117
2Benedikt Thorisson2314576ISL2057
3Kjartan Maack2301806ISL2046
6Adam Omarsson2311453ISL2001
8Johann Ragnarsson2301040ISL1898