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XIX Torneo ONLINE Club Caissa Guatemala

Seinast dagført03.10.2024 04:48:55, Creator/Last Upload: Club Caissa de Guatemala

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1Monroy, GustavoGUA1900
2Paxtor, RodolfoGUA1850
3Ordoñez, AndersonGUA1820
4Pinzón, José JeykGUA1800
5Castellanos, HumbertoGUA1759
6Ovalle, VíctorGUA1750
7López, OseasGUA1744
8Vela, LuisGUA1694
9Sigui, NormanGUA1515
10García-Salas, PabloGUA1500
11Sepe, RicardoGUA1438
12Prado, KennethGUA1425
13Cordero, DennisGUA1415
14Aroche, CristianGUA1407
15Pinzón, José GaelGUA1402
16Cordero, CristopherGUA1400
17de León, RudyGUA1300
18Cordero, ElizabethGUA1200
19Cotzajay, BrandonGUA1000
20Gonzalez, LeandroGUA1000
21Larios, BenjamínGUA850
22Díaz, JosephGUA800
23García M., CarlosGUA600