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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة

King Zone Pub Social Tournament

اخر تحديث03.09.2024 19:49:16, منشئ/آخر رفع: Botswana Chess-Federation

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ترتيب البداية

رقماسم اللاعبرقم دولياتحادتقييم
1Monnaatsheko, Keletshabile11302941BOT2064
2CMMosutha, Thuso11302550BOT2029
3Sebetlela, Gaasite11318716BOT1981
4Bayani, Kuda11305924BOT1931
5Mothudi, Mogotsi Arnold11314184BOT1910
6Mpene, Thuto11313498BOT1908
7AIMMokgathi, Kebonyephenyo11319623BOT1856
8Modisane, Thompson11301430BOT1856
9Shula, Derrick8702241ZAM1846
10Lesole, Pudungwane11301791BOT1788
11Masaiti, Gideon11310090BOT1773
12Moloi, Pako11308613BOT1714