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Sällskapets Höstturnering 2024 grupp F

Last update 17.12.2024 17:13:26, Creator/Last Upload: Stockholms Schacksallskap

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Horvath Adam1661SWE 9b0 11w1 2b1 5w0 7b1 6w1 15w½ 13b1 17b16,5240425
2Ohlund Anders1646SWE 10w1 6b½ 1w0 4b1 16w1 15b0 13w1 5w1 9b05,5643,545,54
3Dillen Sten1627SWE 11b1 9w0 10b1 13w0 17w0 7b- 6b- -0 -021333352
4Gustavsson Tuve1623SWE 14b+ 16w0 13b0 2w0 10b+ 17b1 7w1 9b1 15b16539414
5Liolis Emmanouil1543SWE 12w1 15b0 7w1 1b1 6w1 13b1 9w½ 2b0 10w+6,5143454
6Nikander Jovan1518SWE 13b1 2w½ 16b+ 9w½ 5b0 1b0 3w+ 15w½ 7w15,5743,545,53
7Moore Daniel1506SWE 15w0 12b+ 5b0 12b+ 1w0 3w+ 4b0 17w½ 6b03,594043,53
8Maestre Francesc1501SWE 16b0 13w0 11b1 10w1 9b0 -0 -0 -0 -021432,534,53
9Sikstrom Arne1493SWE 1w1 3b1 15w0 6b½ 8w1 11b1 5b½ 4w0 2w16441,543,54
10Kurtiz Mirza1450SWE 2b0 14w+ 3w0 8b0 4w- -0 17w0 11w0 5b-11531,533,52
11Liljemark Kerstin1433SWE 3w0 1b0 8w0 17b0 -1 9w0 -0 10b1 13w021235,537,53
12Heravi Roxanne0SWE 5b0 7w- -1 7w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -011631331
13Jiang Kevin0SWE 6w0 8b1 4w1 3b1 15w1 5w0 2b0 1w0 11b15841,543,54
14Stighäll Leon0SWE 4w- 10b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -001726270
15Ulfsparre Folke0SWE 7b1 5w1 9b1 16w1 13b0 2w1 1b½ 6b½ 4w06343455
16Vasquez Valeri0SWE 8w1 4b1 6w- 15b0 2b0 -0 -0 -0 -021138,541,53
17Eiborn Peter0SWE -0 -0 -0 11w1 3b1 4w0 10b1 7b½ 1w03,51033353

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Most black