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Sällskapets Höstturnering 2024 grupp F

Last update 17.12.2024 17:13:26, Creator/Last Upload: Stockholms Schacksallskap

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1Dillen, Sten17082101627SWE
2Eiborn, Peter0SWE
3Gustavsson, Tuve17433921623SWE
4Heravi, Roxanne17896600SWE
5Horvath, Adam17222201661SWE
6Jiang, Kevin17905870SWE
7Kurtiz, Mirza17222551450SWE
8Liljemark, Kerstin17352171433SWE
9Liolis, Emmanouil17681661543SWE
10Maestre, Francesc17726861501SWE
11Moore, Daniel17775051506SWE
12Nikander, Jovan17640981518SWE
13Ohlund, Anders17136201646SWE
14Sikstrom, Arne17829831493SWE
15Stighäll, Leon0SWE
16Ulfsparre, Folke17905950SWE
17Vasquez, Valeri0SWE