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Sällskapets Höstturnering 2024 grupp F

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony17.12.2024 17:13:26, Creator/Last Upload: Stockholms Schacksallskap

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M-sceSNrNazwiskoFedRgPkt TB 1  TB 2  TB 3 
19Sikstrom, ArneSWE14932121
215Ulfsparre, FolkeSWE0211,51
316Vasquez, ValeriSWE020,50,51
46Nikander, JovanSWE15181,51,52,51
52Ohlund, AndersSWE16461,51,521
65Liolis, EmmanouilSWE1543122,51
74Gustavsson, TuveSWE1623122,50
81Horvath, AdamSWE16611221
3Dillen, StenSWE16271221
107Moore, DanielSWE15061220
1110Kurtiz, MirzaSWE145011,51,51
13Jiang, KevinSWE011,51,51
138Maestre, FrancescSWE15010231
1414Stighäll, LeonSWE001,52,50
1511Liljemark, KerstinSWE14330121
12Heravi, RoxanneSWE00121

TB 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
TB 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
TB 3: Most black