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Sällskapets Höstturnering 2024 Grupp B

Last update 26.11.2024 22:14:13, Creator/Last Upload: Stockholms Schacksallskap

Alphabetical list

1Borin, Jesper1771337SWE1914
2Britse, Klas1768131SWE1938
3Dingertz, Filip1757288SWE1858
4Dingertz, Gustav1767917SWE1938
5CMHelin, Mikael1703838SWE1921
6Ivarsson, Anders1768158SWE1986
7Kyhle, Bo1701150SWE2052
8Larsson, Max1786989SWE2012
9Lindblom, Peter1710982SWE1949
10Ljungros, Lo1760114SWE1957