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Barak Valley Inter-School ( Up to Class II ) Chess Tournament 2024 Վերջին արդիացում08.09.2024 11:43:06, Creator/Last Upload: Anupambhattacharjee
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | RtgI | սեռ | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | Syed Mehdi | 48780138 | IND | 1449 | | Kv Karimganj |
2 | | Sudipto Paul | 48783269 | IND | 1401 | | Don Bosco |
3 | | Aadidev Dutta | | IND | 0 | | Holy Cross H. S. School |
4 | | Abhinab Nath Mazumdar | | IND | 0 | | K.V. Nit, Silchar |
5 | | Anubhav Singh | | IND | 0 | | Dps, Silchar |
6 | | Aradhya Debnath | 429028183 | IND | 0 | w | SCS |
7 | | Arijit Bhattacharjee | | IND | 0 | | Holy Cross Higher Secondary School |
8 | | Ashwatth Bhargav Rai | | IND | 0 | | The Little Tree House Balvatika |
9 | | Harshith Chakraborty | | IND | 0 | | Holy cross |
10 | | Hrikesh Paul | | IND | 0 | | SCS |
11 | | Lavik Jajoo | | IND | 0 | | Kidzee, Karimganj |
12 | | Siddhanta Nath | | IND | 0 | | School donbosco Silchar |
13 | | Sougata Das | | IND | 0 | | Kv Karimganj |
14 | | Syed Ibraheem | 48780120 | IND | 0 | | Kv Karimganj |
15 | | Vaidik Das | | IND | 0 | | Silchar Collegiate School |