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District School Chess Selection Trial-2024 (Under 17 Boys)

Last update 03.09.2024 11:07:16, Creator/Last Upload: Darunath Chatterjee(Pintu)

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Starting rank

1Rudrashish Som25603183IND1540U17
2Agnibha Koley25973525IND1437U17
3Aniket RoyIND0U17
4Anish GuptaIND0U17
5Kinjal GhoshalIND0U17
6Krishnu MannaIND0U17
7Neelesh MehtaIND0U17
8Rohit SantraIND0U17
9Sayan DasIND0U17
10Sayan DasmunshiIND0U17
11Soham KarIND0U17
12Soham KarakIND0U17
13Soumyadip MannaIND0U17
14Souyadip MannaIND0U17