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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة

Herzliya Championship A 2024

اخر تحديث11.11.2024 21:07:42, منشئ/آخر رفع: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 70)

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ترتيب البداية

رقماسم اللاعبرقم دولياتحادتقييم
1Noy, Eyal2821117ISR2309
2Shilon Rahav, Eliran2844958ISR2233
3Fishman, Alik2803720ISR2223
4Kinberg, Ofer2805766ISR2113
5Ostrovsky Berman, Noam2834430ISR2102
6Solan, Shay2802724ISR2096
7Hayohamo, Raz2821087ISR2077
8Dezent, Eyal2839822ISR2074
9FMZalkind, Konstantin2803461ISR2051
10Manyevich, Rom2846772ISR2001
11Magen, Amnon2815729ISR1986
12Malin, Uri2800977ISR1986
13Kramer, Jonatan2878410ISR1962
14Volkov, Yuri2806878ISR1962
15Faust, Roi2817616ISR1952
16Amit, Eli2809591ISR1939
17Beitner, Yehonatan2847949ISR1913
18Goldstein, Asaf2834448ISR1862
19Patt, Zafrir2840170ISR1850
20Lavi, Nitay2844400ISR1843
21Najjar, Munib2873460ISR1830
22Hanein, Avri2853744ISR1825
23Barkai, Uri2850877ISR1817
24Gazit, Yair2854961ISR1798
25Klein, Eldad2837579ISR1768
26Gradenwitz, Oded2808889ISR1762
27Levy, Avner2814250ISR1760
28Tsarfati, Ohn2829142ISR1759
29Yehuda, Beeri2851474ISR1759
30Karov, Roy2875454ISR1721