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4. Carinthian Winteropen 2025 B-Gruppe

Posledná aktualizácia 07.01.2025 19:22:21, Creator: SV Rapid Feffernitz,Last Upload: Dipl.Ing.Heinz Herzog

Search for player Hladaj

Štartová listina

1Heinisch, Wolfgang1627252AUT1896St. Martin I. S.
2Eder, Robert1633791AUT1875Esv Askoe Admira Villach
3Amon, Andreas1621670AUT1771Sv Nussdorf-Debant
4Grebenar, Erich1609408AUT1744St. Martin I. S.
5Stiegler, Helmut1652966AUT1730Esv Askoe Admira Villach
6Ortolani, Paolo888389ITA1689Woodpushers (Sussex)
7Hipfl, Werner1618024AUT1678Post-Sv Kärnten
8Baurecht, Roman1669583AUT1675U18Sgs Spittal
9Stoni, Marcel1676059AUT1665Zugzwang Klagenfurt Otoce
10Engesser, Philipp1657020AUT1653Esv Askoe Admira Villach
11Millner, Julian1658905AUT1636Vst Voelkerm. Gojer/K.Ents
12Gaertner, Ferdinand1610805AUT1612Sk Feistritz Paternion
13Alyushkin, Stepan14661667SLO1607U18
14Kolar-Thompson, Lynne1684256AUT1592wEsv Askoe Admira Villach
15Kucher, Wilhelm Ing.1673912AUT1587Askoe Finkenstein
16Sand, Egon1657054AUT1567Esv Askoe Admira Villach
17Nischelwitzer, Fabian1647717AUT1553Sv Raika Rapid Feffernitz
18Gaggl, Maximilian530000980AUT1525U18Sgs Spittal