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FOCC #46 U900 Section

Senast uppdaterad18.11.2024 08:56:29, Creator/Last Upload: Canada Chess Federation (Licence 21)

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1Li, Eddie CSTUSA863
2Li, Eddie2 CSTUSa863
3Wang, Blueka PSTUSA830
4Ouyang, Catherine ESTUSA758
5Lu, Justin PSTUSA734
6Wang, Angel MSTUSA637
7Chiu, Jeffrey ESTUSA548
8Li, Jessie CSTUSA510
9Li, Jessie2 CSTUSA510
10Gao, Teo PSTCAN490186806
11Gao, Teo2 PSTCAN490186806
12Gao, Teo3 PSTCAN490186806
13Li, Langji ESTCAN457
14Chen, Theodore* CSTUSA43031338303
15Li, Langyi ESTCAN419
16Lu, Claire ESTUSA269
17Lu, Claire2 ESTUSA269
18Lu, Claire3 ESTUSA269
19Chen, Jaylen ESTUSA106
20Li, Roy CSTUSA0
21Li, Roy2 CSTUSA0
22Ma, Eugene~ ESTUSA0
23Ma, Eugene2~ ESTUSA0
24Wang, JoyceN* CSTUSA0
25Xi, Eric ESTCAN0186040
26Xiao, Aaron MSTUSA0
27Zhang, Ximin ESTUSA0
28Zhou, Felix CSTUSA0
29Zhou, Michael MSTUSA0
30Zhou, Michael2 MSTUSA0
31Zhou, Michael3 MSTUSA0
32Li, Jason CSTUSA031998752
33Liang, Daniel~ MSTUSA32831909703
34Liang, Daniel2~ MSTUSA32831909703
35Liang, Daniel3~ MSTUSA32831909703