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FOCC #46 U900 Section

Last update 18.11.2024 08:56:29, Creator/Last Upload: Canada Chess Federation (Licence 21)

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Rank after Round 7

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgClub/CityPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
113Li, Langji ESTCAN457624,518,519,50
29Li, Jessie2 CSTUSA5105302220,50
331Zhou, Michael3 MSTUSA0529,520,518,50
433Liang, Daniel~ MSTUSA32831909703528,519,519,00
529Zhou, Michael MSTUSA052618,517,50
620Li, Roy CSTUSA04292015,00
715Li, Langyi ESTCAN419427,520,513,50
818Lu, Claire3 ESTUSA269427,518,513,00
92Li, Eddie2 CSTUSa86342719,514,50
104Ouyang, Catherine ESTUSA758426,51914,50
1135Liang, Daniel3~ MSTUSA328319097034261913,50
128Li, Jessie CSTUSA5104261913,00
1316Lu, Claire ESTUSA26942618,513,00
1427Zhang, Ximin ESTUSA04231611,00
1524Wang, JoyceN* CSTUSA03292112,00
1612Gao, Teo3 PSTCAN49018680632618,510,50
176Wang, Angel MSTUSA637326179,00
1822Ma, Eugene~ ESTUSA0325,518,58,00
195Lu, Justin PSTUSA734324,517,58,50
2026Xiao, Aaron MSTUSA0324168,00
213Wang, Blueka PSTUSA830323,516,59,00
227Chiu, Jeffrey ESTUSA548323,516,57,00
231Li, Eddie CSTUSA863323169,00
2425Xi, Eric ESTCAN01860403211510,00
2517Lu, Claire2 ESTUSA269320,5156,50
2619Chen, Jaylen ESTUSA106320157,00
2711Gao, Teo2 PSTCAN490186806319,5157,00
2832Li, Jason CSTUSA031998752319,514,56,00
2921Li, Roy2 CSTUSA0318146,00
3014Chen, Theodore* CSTUSA4303133830322819,57,50
3110Gao, Teo PSTCAN49018680622317,54,00
3234Liang, Daniel2~ MSTUSA3283190970322114,55,00
3330Zhou, Michael2 MSTUSA0217123,50
3428Zhou, Felix CSTUSA0122,5151,50
3523Ma, Eugene2~ ESTUSA011913,51,50

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable