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FOCC #46 U900 Section

Last update 18.11.2024 08:56:29, Creator/Last Upload: Canada Chess Federation (Licence 21)

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Rank after Round 3

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgClub/CityPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
131Zhou, Michael3 MSTUSA03525,00
215Li, Langyi ESTCAN4193424,00
313Li, Langji ESTCAN4573313,00
424Wang, JoyceN* CSTUSA02624,00
52Li, Eddie2 CSTUSa8632623,00
18Lu, Claire3 ESTUSA2692623,00
20Li, Roy CSTUSA02623,00
816Lu, Claire ESTUSA26925,523,00
94Ouyang, Catherine ESTUSA7582523,00
1014Chen, Theodore* CSTUSA43031338303251,52,50
1133Liang, Daniel~ MSTUSA32831909703241,52,50
35Liang, Daniel3~ MSTUSA32831909703241,52,50
136Wang, Angel MSTUSA6372412,00
8Li, Jessie CSTUSA5102412,00
22Ma, Eugene~ ESTUSA02412,00
169Li, Jessie2 CSTUSA51023,511,50
12Gao, Teo3 PSTCAN49018680623,511,50
29Zhou, Michael MSTUSA023,511,50
191Li, Eddie CSTUSA8631521,00
3Wang, Blueka PSTUSA8301521,00
7Chiu, Jeffrey ESTUSA5481521,00
10Gao, Teo PSTCAN4901868061521,00
2334Liang, Daniel2~ MSTUSA32831909703151,51,50
2426Xiao, Aaron MSTUSA01511,00
255Lu, Justin PSTUSA73414,51,51,00
2617Lu, Claire2 ESTUSA2691420,00
27Zhang, Ximin ESTUSA01420,00
2819Chen, Jaylen ESTUSA1061411,00
2925Xi, Eric ESTCAN01860401311,00
3011Gao, Teo2 PSTCAN4901868061310,00
21Li, Roy2 CSTUSA01310,00
23Ma, Eugene2~ ESTUSA01310,00
3328Zhou, Felix CSTUSA00510,00
30Zhou, Michael2 MSTUSA00510,00
3532Li, Jason CSTUSA03199875204,51,50,00

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable