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FOCC #46 U900 Section

Last update 18.11.2024 08:56:29, Creator/Last Upload: Canada Chess Federation (Licence 21)

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Rank after Round 2

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgClub/CityPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
116Lu, Claire ESTUSA2692202,00
18Lu, Claire3 ESTUSA2692202,00
20Li, Roy CSTUSA02202,00
22Ma, Eugene~ ESTUSA02202,00
24Wang, JoyceN* CSTUSA02202,00
631Zhou, Michael3 MSTUSA021,501,50
713Li, Langji ESTCAN4572101,00
15Li, Langyi ESTCAN4192101,00
92Li, Eddie2 CSTUSa8631301,00
26Xiao, Aaron MSTUSA01301,00
1133Liang, Daniel~ MSTUSA328319097031201,00
34Liang, Daniel2~ MSTUSA328319097031201,00
35Liang, Daniel3~ MSTUSA328319097031201,00
1414Chen, Theodore* CSTUSA430313383031200,50
151Li, Eddie CSTUSA8631200,00
3Wang, Blueka PSTUSA8301200,00
4Ouyang, Catherine ESTUSA7581200,00
5Lu, Justin PSTUSA7341200,00
6Wang, Angel MSTUSA6371200,00
7Chiu, Jeffrey ESTUSA5481200,00
8Li, Jessie CSTUSA5101200,00
9Li, Jessie2 CSTUSA5101200,00
10Gao, Teo PSTCAN4901868061200,00
12Gao, Teo3 PSTCAN4901868061200,00
2511Gao, Teo2 PSTCAN4901868061100,00
17Lu, Claire2 ESTUSA2691100,00
29Zhou, Michael MSTUSA01100,00
2828Zhou, Felix CSTUSA00300,00
30Zhou, Michael2 MSTUSA00300,00
3032Li, Jason CSTUSA03199875202,500,00
3119Chen, Jaylen ESTUSA1060200,00
21Li, Roy2 CSTUSA00200,00
23Ma, Eugene2~ ESTUSA00200,00
25Xi, Eric ESTCAN01860400200,00
27Zhang, Ximin ESTUSA00200,00

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable