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FOCC #46 U1300 Section

Last update 18.11.2024 08:54:40, Creator/Last Upload: Canada Chess Federation (Licence 21)

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Round 8

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
17Dong, Bowen~ MST11006 0 - 1 Cao, Jonathan EST117832
23Guo, Alex EST11805 0 - 1 Dong, Bowen2^ MST110031
329Wang, Noah EST8325 0 - 1 Guo, Britt3 CST105410
49Guo, Britt2 CST1054 1 - 0 Guo, Alex2 EST11804
52Hua, Austin PST12004 ½ - ½ He, Caelyn MST93922
617Wang, Dale EST9594 0 - 1 He, Hugh MST94620
716Huang, Kyle CST960 0 - 14 Wang, Dale2 EST95918
827Peng, Grace^ CST902 0 - 1 Li, Kate EST89928
921He, Hugh2 MST9463 0 - 13 Wang, Blueka PST83030
1026Luo, William2* EST9023 0 - 1 Lin, Andy EST120911
1123He, Caelyn2 MST9392 0 - 1 Guo, Britt CST10548
125Gan, Eric PST11612 0 - 12 Tan, Lucas EST91024
1325Luo, William* EST9022 0 - 1 Gan, Eric2 PST11616
141Wu, Daniel CST12160 0 not paired 
1512Zhang, Annabell EST10111 ½ not paired 
1613Zhang, Annabell2 EST10111 ½ not paired 
1714Fu, Terrence~ EST9751 0 not paired 
1815Zhao, Zifan EST969 0 not paired 
1919Wang, Dale3 EST959½ 0 not paired