FOCC #46 U1300 Section

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Selezione torneoCrown, U1900, U1600, U1300, U900
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ListeElenco giocatori per sorteggio, Elenco giocatori in ordine alfabetico, Statistica per Paese-, Incontro- e Titolo, Lista alfabetica tutti i gruppi, calendario partite
Tabellone dopo 7 turni, Tabellone per numero sorteggio
Accoppiamenti giocatoriTur.1, Tur.2, Tur.3, Tur.4, Tur.5, Tur.6, Tur.7, Tur.8/11 , non sorteggiato
Classifica perTur.1, Tur.2, Tur.3, Tur.4, Tur.5, Tur.6, Tur.7
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Classifica dopo 7 turni

PosNr.s.NomepaeseEloCircolo/LuogoPts. Cls1  Cls2  Cls3 
17Dong, Bowen MSTUSA110016110420626,519,522,00
232Cao, Jonathan ESTCAN11781802555,5261920,50
33Guo, Alex ESTUSA118017271835532,523,521,00
429Wang, Noah ESTUSA832312254105292119,50
54Guo, Alex2 ESTUSA1180172718354,528,52015,75
610Guo, Britt3 CSTUSA1054302181324,5271915,50
79Guo, Britt2 CSTUSA1054302181324,526,51914,25
831Dong, Bowen2 MSTUSA1100161104204,526,51816,25
917Wang, Dale ESTCAN9591840024292013,50
102Hua, Austin PSTCHN1200427,519,515,00
1118Wang, Dale2 ESTCAN959184002422,515,511,00
1227Peng, Grace CSTUSA9023,526,51810,25
1320He, Hugh MSTCAN9461748053,525,518,59,25
1428Li, Kate ESTUSA899301218213,524,517,510,75
1516Huang, Kyle CSTUSA960306941853,52215,59,00
1622He, Caelyn MSTCAN9391748153,520,514,58,75
1721He, Hugh2 MSTCAN94617480532416,56,00
1830Wang, Blueka PSTUSA830323,5178,50
1926Luo, William2 ESTUSA902318,512,55,50
2011Lin, Andy ESTUSA1209312447552,520,5145,25
218Guo, Britt CSTUSA1054302181322,519,5145,75
2224Tan, Lucas ESTUSA9101722909622315,55,50
235Gan, Eric PSTUSA116116741812221,5154,00
2425Luo, William ESTUSA90222013,54,00
2523He, Caelyn2 MSTCAN93917481521911,53,50
2615Zhao, Zifan ESTUSA9691,523163,75
276Gan, Eric2 PSTUSA1161167418121,52115,55,25
2814Fu, Terrence~ ESTCAN97512316,53,50
2912Zhang, Annabell ESTUSA101116811172117121,00
13Zhang, Annabell2 ESTUSA101116811172117121,00
3119Wang, Dale3 ESTCAN9591840020,52114,51,75
321Wu, Daniel CSTUSA1216017,512,50,00

Cls1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Cls2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Cls3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable