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FOCC #46 U1300 Section

Last update 18.11.2024 08:54:40, Creator/Last Upload: Canada Chess Federation (Licence 21)

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Rank after Round 1

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgClub/CityPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
12Hua, Austin PSTCHN12001000,00
3Guo, Alex ESTUSA1180172718351000,00
6Gan, Eric2 PSTUSA1161167418121000,00
7Dong, Bowen~ MSTUSA1100161104201000,00
9Guo, Britt2 CSTUSA1054302181321000,00
10Guo, Britt3 CSTUSA1054302181321000,00
14Fu, Terrence~ ESTCAN9751000,00
16Huang, Kyle CSTUSA960306941851000,00
17Wang, Dale ESTCAN9591840021000,00
21He, Hugh2 MSTCAN9461748051000,00
24Tan, Lucas ESTUSA910172290961000,00
27Peng, Grace^ CSTUSA9021000,00
29Wang, Noah ESTUSA832312254101000,00
144Guo, Alex2 ESTUSA1180172718350,50,500,25
20He, Hugh MSTCAN9461748050,50,500,25
161Wu, Daniel CSTUSA12160100,00
5Gan, Eric PSTUSA1161167418120100,00
8Guo, Britt CSTUSA1054302181320100,00
11Lin, Andy ESTUSA1209312447550100,00
12Zhang, Annabell ESTUSA1011168111720100,00
13Zhang, Annabell2 ESTUSA1011168111720100,00
15Zhao, Zifan ESTUSA9690100,00
18Wang, Dale2 ESTCAN9591840020100,00
19Wang, Dale3 ESTCAN9591840020100,00
22He, Caelyn MSTCAN9391748150100,00
23He, Caelyn2 MSTCAN9391748150100,00
25Luo, William* ESTUSA9020100,00
26Luo, William2* ESTUSA9020100,00
28Li, Kate ESTUSA899301218210100,00
30Wang, Blueka PSTUSA8300100,00

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable