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Turneu i shahut KUPA E SHARRIT - Rapid ekipore

Seinast dagført07.09.2024 18:25:26, Creator/Last Upload: FSHK

Search for team Leita

Talva eftir styrki (Stig)

Rk.Lið12345678910 TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Dardania * 233343417028
2Drejtesia-Trokadero * 144444414030
3Ferizaji½3 * 3323413223,5
4Prishtina201 * 33313019,5
5Zhupa101 * 32248218
6Sharri101 * 438018
7Studencani1½½120 * 347014,5
8Peja002121 * 226012,5
9Sharri II10110½2 * 309,5
10Prizreni000½102 * 106,5

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break2: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints
Tie Break3: points (game-points)