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Torneo Patrio 2024 Sub 16 Blitz

Last update 22.09.2024 01:57:18, Creator/Last Upload: FerBroca

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Starting rank

1Olea Valle, Scarlett Daniela5166500MEX1909Nuevo Leon
2ACMGomez Martinez, Luis Mauricio29624460MEX1670Nuevo Leon
3Dominguez De Leon, Luis Ignacio29639409MEX1633Nuevo Leon
4Landeros, Rojas Carlos29621151MEX1633Nuevo Leon
5Alejandro Betancourt, Hector29648629MEX1629Nuevo Leon
6Castillo, Rodriguez Jaime De Jesus29624371MEX1618Nuevo Leon
7Tiran, Piza Guillermo29631297MEX1614Nuevo Leon
8Osorio, Correa Alexander29639433MEX1598Nuevo Leon
9Alejandro Betancourt, Debany Berenice29639395MEX1574Nuevo Leon
10Raful Zacarias Leal, Moises29645603MEX1561Nuevo Leon
11Martinez, Escalera Ernesto AbinadiMEX1557
12Dominguez, Sanchez Juan Daniel29644860MEX1551Nuevo Leon
13Hinojosa, Puente Jorge Alejandro29624487MEX1532Nuevo Leon
14Trevino, Diaz Jose AngelMEX1527
15Alvarez Martinez, Fabian EliudMEX0
16Vives Ramirez, Jose Carlos MariaMEX0