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Torneo Patrio 2024 Abierta Blitz

Last update 22.09.2024 01:30:06, Creator/Last Upload: FerBroca

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Starting rank

1Lopez Melendez, Angel Gerardo5176506MEX1899Nuevo Leon
2Flores Teillery, Alejandro Francisco5136660MEX1878Nuevo Leon
3Diaz Espinoza, Axel Alberto5128722MEX1819Nuevo Leon
4Jimenez Rubalcava, Christian Alejandro5140170MEX1814Nuevo Leon
5Gutierrez Rivera, Jared Esau5136733MEX1794
6Villanueva De Leon, Vanessa5118441MEX1774Nuevo Leon
7Alcorta Diaz, Javier Emmanuel29621070MEX1589Nuevo Leon
8Rodriguez Villarreal, Sebastian29616220MEX1563Nuevo Leon
9Plascencia Limas, Luis Esteban29658276MEX1535Nuevo Leon
10Galvan, Ortega Jonathan AleMEX1478Nuevo Leon
11Gonzalez Chapa, Marcelo Eli29644895MEX1452Nuevo Leon
12Trejo, Castro Alejandro IsmaelMEX1422Tamaulipas
13Oviedo Mariscal, Bryan EduardoMEX0