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Torneo Patrio 2024 Sub 12 Rapido

Last update 21.09.2024 21:39:09, Creator/Last Upload: FerBroca

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Starting rank

1Davis Villarreal, Miguel29605580MEX1815Nuevo Leon
2Villarreal Benitez, Santino29604591MEX1798Nuevo Leon
3Chapa Charles, Alexis Daniel29629918MEX1770Nuevo Leon
4Gastelum, Valencia Mario29645816MEX1756Nuevo Leon
5Ramos Pecero, Diana29604540MEX1744Nuevo Leon
6Villarreal Benitez, Lucas29604583MEX1738Nuevo Leon
7Davis Villarreal, David29605571MEX1710Nuevo Leon
8Camargo Ortega, Ricardo29657342MEX1700Nuevo Leon
9Contreras Trevino, Matias Eulalio29648653MEX1629Nuevo Leon
10Quintanilla Corona, CarlosMEX1616Nuevo Leon
11Rodriguez Hernandez, David Alejandro29633478MEX1584Nuevo Leon
12Talip Marquez, Kaede DitzahMEX1569Nuevo Leon
13Lagui Bautista, Fredy29621143MEX1565Nuevo Leon
14Talip Marquez, Ayzar YazzerMEX1557Nuevo Leon
15Martinez Salinas, GerardoMEX1517
16Noriega Reyes, Yetzael JosueMEX1441Nuevo Leon
17Ramos Pecero, Jose Humberto29644992MEX1416Nuevo Leon
18Cortes Garcia, Adrian GerardoMEX0