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The Connaught Championships 2024 Open

Վերջին արդիացում14.09.2024 17:15:56, Creator/Last Upload: Eibhia Ni Mhuireagain

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Melling, Jonathon08417901888
2Woods, Christopher1909525182011862
3Cummins, Finn2077125257801775
4Baird, David2625072501755
5Perkin, Kenny2059325281341755
6Crothers, Toby025278041713
7Martin, Jamie2075525268751666
8Heron, Lorcan2120425293431627
9Horrigan, James2079725263101608
10Carolan, James025130721594
11Quinn, Sean025277661535
12Bracken, Cilllian Patrick2094425310461516
13Booysen, Dylan198361410
14Kearney, Aaron213661360
15Barron, Jacob0451137420
16Bowman, Charlie025297340
17Brady, John220230
18Cipani, Dario025245200
19Joyce, Ella220480
20Kelly, Daniel025307670
21Kenny, Ruadhan2113525307750
22Kloczko, Theo2091625284280
23Mackevic, Edgar220430
24Mc Art, Evan214190
25McBride, Marty220380
26O'Neill, Kian220310
27Roe, Evan025209310
28Stepanov, Volodymyr025239060
29Watson, Lee219690
30Ye, Zhanting025332350