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Blitz Closing Cermony of the BS Championship

Last update 01.09.2024 20:45:48, Creator/Last Upload: Beit Shemesh

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Starting rank

1Moskovich, DanielISR2200
2Ben Shemesh, DoronISR2000
3Hochberg, EranISR1970
4Goodinger, DavidISR1882
5Cohen, MosheISR1856
6Levitman, VladimirISR1791
7Bin Non, Yehuda MordochaiISR1780
8Kasrich, ShalomISR1600
9Rynhold, TomerISR1595
10Zamir, EitanISR1409
11Levitseren, YissacharISR1350
12Fish, DovISR1346
13Shemesh, BezalelISR1300
14Atkind, EliyahuISR1200
15Barry, YishaiISR1200
16Ben Shemesh, Menachem, MosheISR0