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The 4th leg of Chess Grand Prix is officialy fully booked! A heartfelt thank you to everyone for the overhelming support and enthusiasm!Kaissa Chess Grand Prix 2024 -4th leg (15th September) Վերջին արդիացում15.09.2024 13:25:25, Creator/Last Upload: Cyprus Chess Federation
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Տիպ |
1 | | FM | Klerides, Paris | 5900158 | CYP | 2164 | |
2 | | FM | Martidis, Alkis | 5900018 | CYP | 2125 | |
3 | | | Karagiannis, Kosmas | 4216903 | GRE | 1977 | |
4 | | | Moulias, Alexandros | 4219724 | GRE | 1938 | |
5 | | | Lalic, Nikola | 979821 | SRB | 1879 | |
6 | | | Demirciler, Erhan | 44564597 | TUR | 1870 | |
7 | | | Georgantas, Antonios | 4217411 | GRE | 1850 | |
8 | | | Tsakas, Nikolaos | 4276558 | GRE | 1801 | |
9 | | | Opasiak, Dustin Tennessee | 24630217 | POL | 1781 | |
10 | | | Aminev, Aidar | 5907055 | CYP | 1780 | |
11 | | | Karathymios, Konstantinos | 5904218 | CYP | 1741 | |
12 | | | Grigoriev, Alexander D | 34446133 | FID | 1713 | U12 |
13 | | AIM | Tumburi, Emir | 44582080 | TUR | 1697 | |
14 | | | Skouroupathis, Kyriakos | 5908981 | CYP | 1693 | U12 |
15 | | | Markides, Markellos | 5903521 | CYP | 1673 | |
16 | | | Konstantinides, Savvas | 5908639 | CYP | 1632 | U12 |
17 | | | Daniil, Christodoulos | 5906598 | CYP | 1599 | U12 |
18 | | | Mylonas, Fotis | 5911656 | CYP | 1597 | |
19 | | | Daniil, Daniil | 5906768 | CYP | 1584 | |
20 | | | Malamousi, Georgia | 42168040 | GRE | 1547 | U12 |
21 | | | Zacharopoullos, Christoforos | 5910803 | CYP | 1543 | |
22 | | | Ozbil, Djeren | 5905125 | CYP | 1539 | |
23 | | | Antoniou, Michalis | 5904293 | CYP | 1538 | |
24 | | | Bannoura, Daniel | 5909546 | CYP | 1514 | U12 |
25 | | | Migutskiy, Marc | 5913136 | CYP | 1497 | |
26 | | | Bobylev, Vitaly | 150100651 | FID | 1463 | |
27 | | ACM | Constantinou, Paris | 5912849 | CYP | 1456 | U12 |
28 | | | Hadjiefstathiou, Stelios | 5912822 | CYP | 1447 | |
29 | | | Stefanos, Constantinos | 5911303 | CYP | 1434 | U12 |
30 | | | Kyriakides, Stylianos | 5911354 | CYP | 1426 | U12 |
31 | | | Kiselev, Mikhail | 5912148 | CYP | 1405 | |
32 | | | Aaryan, Chaitas Shah | 429081785 | IND | 0 | U12 |
33 | | | Angastiniotis, Michael | | CYP | 0 | U12 |
34 | | | Anisimov, Alexander | | CYP | 0 | |
35 | | | Bannoura, Husam | | CYP | 0 | |
36 | | | Belyaev, Alexey | | CYP | 0 | |
37 | | | Belyaev, Ivan | 55869874 | FID | 0 | U12 |
38 | | | Charalambous, Antreas | | CYP | 0 | |
39 | | | Georgiou, Harilaos | 5913179 | CYP | 0 | U12 |
40 | | | Grigorjev, Dmitriy Den | 55889549 | FID | 0 | U12 |
41 | | | Kakouris, Giorgos | 5913039 | CYP | 0 | U12 |
42 | | | Klesnins, Artemijs | 11643820 | LAT | 0 | U12 |
43 | | | Klesnins, Daniils | 11643862 | LAT | 0 | |
44 | | | Konnaris, Ploutarchos | 5913047 | CYP | 0 | U12 |
45 | | | Malamousi, Evanthia | 42168058 | GRE | 0 | U12 |
46 | | | Michael, Christos | | CYP | 0 | U12 |
47 | | | Mikheev, Artem | 55815510 | FID | 0 | U12 |
48 | | | Nikolaidis, Stylianos | 42194598 | GRE | 0 | |
49 | | | Picolos, Antonios | 5911940 | CYP | 0 | U12 |
50 | | | Sokolov, Timofei | 336112415 | FID | 0 | U12 |
51 | | | Stefanou, Athina | 5913195 | CYP | 0 | |
52 | | | Symeou, Symeon | 5913101 | CYP | 0 | U12 |
53 | | | Tsanios, Konstantinos | | CYP | 0 | |
54 | | | Tsirides, Yiannis | 5910340 | CYP | 0 | U12 |
55 | | | Vanezis, Stylianos | 336105386 | CYP | 0 | |
56 | | | Vostriakov, Ivan | | CYP | 0 | U12 |