Taxa de participare se achita in contul:
RO09BTRLRONCRT0609838301 Banca Transilvania - Clubul de Șah Gen.Olt.Slatina

Arbitru sef: Emil Deliman - 0740 486429
Director festival: Dumitru Barbărasă – 0752 541222 pentru organizare

Festivalul International de Șah Slatina 15 - 17.11.2024 - U10

最終更新日23.10.2024 14:43:13, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 28)

大会選択Open, U10, Blitz, Amatori
リンクInscrieri, Invitatie, Link tournament to the tournament calendar
パラメーター選択 大会詳細表示, Link tournament to the tournament calendar
Overview for groupsPLAT
リストスタート順位リスト, アルファベット順選手リスト, 国別・タイトル・勝敗種類統計, Alphabetical list all groups, 競技日
エクセルと印刷Excelリスト (.xlsx), PDFデータ Export, QR-Codes
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1Ilie, Eduard-Alexandru4222273717050U10Clubul Central De Sah Bucurest
2Deaconu, Raul-Alexandru-Adrian4223698314900U08Cs Chitila
3Burtumac, Maia4221346014320wU10CLUBUL CENTRAL DE SAH BUCURESTI
4IIILaze, Andrei4222961801196U08Csm Medias
5FCBurtumac, Thea422285220901wU08CLUBUL CENTRAL DE SAH BUCURESTI
6Mocanu, Amalia0901Cs Chitila